Welcome to Pek Care International

Supporting Humanity Across The Globe

Our Mission And What We Do

  • “What do we do?” –Our aim is to provide physically challenged children in Africa with refurbished durable medical and adoptive equipment in circumstances when their families do not have the means to pay. We also endeavour to empower disabled people and people with limited means, with basic needs in life, especially food, Clean Water and Education.
  • “How do we do it?” — We do this through our supporters and volunteers here in Australia as well as in Kenya.
  • “Whom do we do it for?” — We assist poor children especially in Africa, by providing them with Wheelchairs that they cannot afford, feeding them and also providing clean water to their families and villages.
  • “What value are we bringing?” — Our aim is to make sure that everyone has a fair chance in life, whether you are disabled poor etc, we believe all children should have an equal chance. We believe in the 3E principle which stands for (Education, Employment and Empowerment)

The Pek Care Store

The Pek Care Op shop is a great place to find affordable second hand goods. Whether you’re simply looking for a bargain, trying to find a hidden gem or looking to help your community, we’ve got you covered. Furthermore all of the proceeds from our op shop go to helping people in need across the globe.

Op shops serve as a fantastic way to help the local community while also helping fund our other charitable initiatives. By giving people an alternative to throwing away their old clothes we’re helping reduce wastage locally while giving local families greater access to affordable clothing.

Local Projects in Australia

We’re very lucky to be able to enjoy the great lifestyle that Australia provides us, however that doesn’t mean that there aren’t people that still need help locally. While we are very proud of the work we do across the globe, we also want to ensure that we’re helping people here at home as well. We run several programs in Australia such as our work for the dole program, employment assistance and our initiative to empower people with disabilities.

Projects In Africa

While we have many programs to help a range of people internationally, we are particularly proud of our track record within the African continent. Over the last few years we have made great strides in helping African communities in need, through programs such as our well building initiative, our feeding programs and our mobility program.

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