Giving People The Tools To Help Themselves

Many Australians live with challenging physical disabilities that can significantly reduce the type of work they can do. Unfortunately there’s often a stigma associated with physical disabilities where some workplaces have the perception that people with disabilities can’t work as productively as someone else, even though this is completely false it’s still a very prevalent belief among small businesses. The Australian government has implemented a range of programs to help deal with these problems, however we believe that these programs don’t solve the problem or create long term results.

Pek Care has helped empower dozens of people living with physical disabilities to create and operate their own small business. By giving people the tools to create their own small businesses we can help ensure their long term success and sustainability. We teach people everything from how to apply for an ABN, to how to set budgets and prepare their financial records. We provide continuous support for everyone in the program until they’re ready to take the leap to complete self-sustainability.


A Better Workplace Environment

Even where some workplaces try to do the right thing and take on employees with physical disabilities, there can still be challenges with building a workplace environment that is suitable and accessible for people with disabilities. Whether there’s simply a lack of ramp access or missing human resources policies dealing with disabled employees, taking on disabled employees can create a significant challenge for both the workplace as well as the disabled employee.

Giving disabled people the opportunity to build their own small business gives them the freedom to design a workplace environment that is best suited to their specific disability. People who live with physical disabilities understand their own challenges and limitations better than anyone else, we empower them to overcome their challenges and push their limits to be the best they can be.
