Well Building Projects

The African Continent faces many challenges, one of the most devastating of which is the short supply of clean water – particularly in rural and remote areas. Every day hundreds of thousands of people suffer from a lack of access to a clean, safe and drinkable water supply, the worst part of this catastrophe is knowing that it can be fixed.

PEK, through its funding, local staffing, expertise and on the ground partnerships has driven a number of pump installations in Eastern Africa bringing clean drinking water to thousands across the region. Our volunteers work tirelessly to build wells in remote and rural villages, they fight every day to help end the needless human suffering. It’s important work and it saves lives, you can help us today by donating to our cause.


Giving Hope To Remote Communities

Ready and accessible clean water is one of the utilities we simply can’t imagine being without, most people struggle to think of how they could survive even a week if we suddenly lost our access to water. Unfortunately not having access to clean water is a reality for many rural communities in Africa, many of these communities end up dedicating much of their time and effort to obtaining water from any source available simply to survive. Most of the methods used to obtain water are unsustainable and can cause significant health problems for the people.

Our well building program gives hope to these communities and can help them thrive and become more productive. Ready access to clean water means that people have to do significantly less work to obtain water, as well as causing a significant drop in health issues from dirty water. All up these improvements allow the community to dedicate themselves to more productive activities and achieve much more.
